Stewart Warner 816480 Unknown

Part Information

Manufacturer Stewart Warner
Category Unknown
Part Type Unspecified
Description Drive Joint 777/666, Gear, Part of Ki
Part Number 816480

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From order to shipment–our hands on fulfillment process ensures quality and a quick turnaround so you can resume operations.

Have you ever ordered a part you needed from an online e-commerce store only to receive that part late, receive the wrong part, or to have your order canceled unexpectedly?

We hear these pain points almost daily and are the main reasons customers switch to Heavy Duty Specialists. Here’s a few other reasons you should order from us.

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We’ve been in operation for 35+ years and our team has 150+ years of combined experience in this industry. Our product knowledge is extensive so we can help you identify the part you need with as little as a serial number, unit number, or model number.

Quick Turnaround on Orders & Fast Shipping

Heavy Duty Specialists can ship your order nationwide. With our large inventory of parts, we have a wide selection of ready-to-ship parts. When you’re in a bind, we offer same day and overnight shipping.

Large Inventory That’s Ready to Ship

We have a large inventory of parts in stock that we monitor closely. Meaning, we know our stock levels so you can rest assured your order will arrive at your facility–no unexpected cancellations or delays. See the manufacturers we carry.

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“Quick service, had the filters I was looking for in stock, AND prices were cheaper than buying from anyone online or even locally somewhere else!! Completely satisfied!!”


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